Archive for doll

Tattooed Love Dolls

Posted in constructions, cute, handmade with tags , , , on April 13, 2010 by darcyarts

I gave my prototype, redhead doll a tattoo just like mine. She is my self-portrait soft sculture, so what else could I do.

I have been gingerly experimenting with my marker pens on this muslin material. Through cautious testing I’ve established which type of pens bleed and which don’t.

That means I can go nuts and do tattoos on any muslin cloth dolls. When I say go nuts I mean play with the concept to my heart’s content.

I look a little grewsome in this photo. It’s tough to get my arm in the right postion while holding the camera.

This adds a whole new dimension to the wonderful world of art doll creation. I can do custom tattoos on dolls for the people.  Glad I started with something simple.

I sorta freaked out for a moment looking at this. I thought I’d given the doll the tattoo on the wrong arm, then realized this photo of me is a mirror image.

Don’t panic, Constance. All is well.

Unos Cuantos Piquetitos

Posted in Art, constructions, etsy, family, handmade, plush critters with tags , , , , on February 21, 2010 by darcyarts

I spent Friday finishing off my two new plush squid. My son, Brian, mentioned that he thought my black and pink squid looked like a ninja. Here are a couple of pink squid, one with a half mask and one with a full hood.

Both have rhinestone eye sparkles.

They look a little devious, very stealthy and yet, at the same time, they have a touch of glamour.

This pink fleece is so pale and soft.

It will be interesting to see how Etsy shoppers react to the ninja squid.

I like to try to incorporate the ideas of my offspring.

They are looking at things with fresh eyes.


I am still working , oh, so slowly, on the clothing for my Frida doll.

Sometimes I am so very productive and some days I lag behind the schedule I set for myself.

I’ve made a sort of peasant blouse.

The Frida doll will have a full skirt. I was thinking at one point that I would add a banner to it. I’m not sure I will.

I had thought to use the banner from the painting in this photograph. It reads

“unos cuantos piquetitos” or a few small snips. The painting is pretty brutal. All those little cuts add up, don’t they, girls?

Pretty Things

Posted in Art, etsy with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 2, 2008 by darcyarts

The topic for this morning is Pretty Things.

We all love them and it is also true that we have been imbued, through culture and advertising, with a longing for a hygienic perfection.

No, you say? Not me. It’s okay it’s in all of us. We’re Americans.

Cute has become a whole other thing. I can think of the cute wars in the most positive way and attribute it to the cartoon sensibility in which many of us were drenched as youths and the dichotomy between what is promised there, and again in advertising, and what is really in the world. Cute furry creatures are cute. But animals eat each other and we eat animals (some of us). All corporeal bodies are subject to decay. It’s understandable that we might want to freeze everything in the blossoming stage. When I paint faces I always make them attractive in my own fashion. I hate to make them look too gnarly or real or damaged. Hey, it’s our dream, right?

I have wondered if the love of glitter and sparkle is just recollection, deep in some part of our makeup, of the other world we must have inhabited before we were launched into this life.

The abandoned washer, above, is not considered beautiful or desirable but it is a classic. If, in addition to being eccentric I was also fabulously wealthy, I’d take it to my mansion and install it in the wing where I keep all underappreciated creations.

This is a Pretty thing V


It is the work of Blueberrybandit over on etsy.

So is this V

Sara, the creator lives in Athens, GA. These things she has brought to life are creamy and dreamy. They make us feel good.

This is a pretty thing v from cbtscloset. Ah, dreamy.

Some girls are pretty and some girls are good at understanding what it takes to be pretty.

Some girls are into the porno aesthetic. They are moving away from cute and towards slutty but we can be a combination of the two and thats interesting.

Some girls are kinda like boys and they are drawn to more testosteroni pursuits.

They like to play on the same field as the boys, with the boys. Sometimes they have extra drive.

Sometimes they are really smart and well spoken like Rachel Maddow but hey, she is cute, too. Look v

I love long hair and pigtails and fluffy messy do’s. I go around looking like one of those fluffy-earred dogs half the time. But Rachel Maddow really, really looks better with her hair just like this. This 50’s boy-style haircut accentuates her great eyebrows and her shining eyes, yeah and her cute mischievious smile.

Smart is hot.