Archive for Renegade Craft Fair SF

Black with Orange Skulls

Posted in constructions, cute, etsy, finds, handmade, shopping with tags , , , , on September 19, 2010 by darcyarts

Halloween Donuts part two accomplished this weekend.

Here is the Black icing, orange skull bead Halloween Donut. I even managed to catch a black looking black in the photos. I usually have a problem with black and my technical photo knowledge is insufficient to solve that problem.

The photo of the skull bead shows what usually happens when I shoot black fleece.

The light does strange things and it reads as gray.

I got the cool orange skull beads at my favorite place — the Beadman. For the whole decade and a half that I have been in Redding the Beadman has been an oasis of cool. Thank you, Beadman. They don’t have their own website but you can find my review on Yelp.

I have used little orange beads with the larger skull beads. It looks pretty good.

I was thinking of making little white ghosts but I may just get to work on doll bodies that need to be sewed.

I received notification a few days ago that the Renegade Craft show in San Francisco is open for application.

I have a question, Renegade. Why is the SF show so late in the holiday season? Dec. 18 and 19 is too late.

It should me renamed Renegade Procrastinator craft event. It might be cool but with the big fee I feel it’s kind of a gamble to count on buyers who have not done gift shopping with five days left until Christmas. Hanukkah will have been over for 10 days by the time this show gets going.

Why do all the regionals have to be on different dates? So the same makers can to each show? Why have regional shows then? Seems like they could figure out a better way.

Okay, end of bitch fest. Namaste, Renegade.