Archive for robe

It’s a Struggle, Baby

Posted in Art, constructions, design, dolls, rock n roll, shopping with tags , , , on February 23, 2011 by darcyarts

I’m thinking of Keith Richards and that song after spending a solid week trying to find just the right material from which to stitch the clothes for the Brian Jones Doll.

he had loads of luxurious threads from British flea markets, from France, from Morocc and who knows where else.

I chose this picture as the model for his duds after Miss Jess (daughter and doll recipient) described the outfit she imagined him wearing.

I want it to be right and beautiful. I am going to hold off on the in media res photos. We’ll have a look at it in a day or two when the outfit is all fijished and Brian’s head is on his body.

I’ve got the pants done, the fur-trimmed robe nearly done. Next is the shirt, boots and maybe vest.

It appears than Brian is wearing about five shirts in the photo. it is a bit disorienting.

I’ve made him a really nice neck piece that looks as Moroccan as i could manage with things I’ve have around here for years.

Here is another picture in which Brian looks like he did some major shoplifting at a super cool second hand store. Maybe he drifted through the closets of a number of friends collecting garments at each one.

No wonder I’m having trouble focusing on one piece at a time.